Heenan believes real change starts with compassionate stable communities.

What is your opinion on the overturn of Roe v. Wade? Incredibly disappointing. While I’m a firm believer of the states having more control than the federal government, the overturning of Roe v Wade has left the country looking like a patchwork of states-states in which abortion is still accessible and states in which it’s not. This is an attack …

Vince Vidal aims to equal out representation in Pierre

We recently had the pleasure of meeting Vince Vidal, a Democratic candidate running for South Dakota State House District 33. He’s a passionate candidate who is eager to represent South Dakotan’s true values. He graciously filled out our candidate questionnaire and we’d like to invite you to learn more about Vince and his plans to serve his district. 1. What …

Take Back Women’s Equality Day Was a Massive Success!

WHAT! AN! AWESOME! DAY!!!! On Friday, August 26th, Sisters United, along with Democracy In Action (DIA), National Organization of Women (NOW-SD), American Association of University Women (AAUW) South Dakota Youth Activism we co-hosted “Take Back Women’s Equality Day”! We had a strong turn out, the music was awesome, the speakers were passionate and most importantly, we all stood together to …

Jamie Smith Weighs in on Reproductive Rights

On August 3rd, 2022 Sisters United attended a meet and greet for gubernatorial candidate, Jamie Smith. Jamie graciously agreed to sit down and answer a few questions about reproductive rights. Below is a transcript of our interview. What is your opinion on the overturn of Roe vs. Wade. “Super disappointing. Generations worked so hard to make sure that women had …