Gary Leighton: Wants to give a voice to those (up to half) people in the state who are not being effectively represented by the majority party

Gary Leighton is running in District 2 for  South Dakota House Representatives.

Why are you running for office?

I want to give back to the people of the state of SD and giving a voice to those (up to half) people in the state who are not being effectively represented by the majority party.


Women’s Reproductive Health

What is your opinion on the overturn of Roe v. Wade?

I opposed the overturning of the precedent that had existed for almost 50 years. The need for reproductive rights has been made a political issue when it is a medical issue that politicians have used to divide Americans and without consideration of the many medical reasons abortion services may be necessary.

What will you do to ensure access to critical healthcare to save the lives of
women, despite recent restrictions on reproductive services?

I will speak up for those who believe reproductive care for women is essential for their health and not some black and white political issues some use to motivate their base voters.

In 2006 and 2010 the people voted to keep access to abortion safe and legal for all who need it in South Dakota, yet the elected officials in Pierre have allowed a
trigger law banning abortions. What is your plan to honor the voters?

The second vote was actually in 2008, not 2010. Many of those elected to represent us in Pierre have made a habit of ignoring the will of the voters not just in regards to safe and legal abortions but also to other issues they ignore ranging from minimum wage rate in the state, ethics laws, Medicaid expansion or the past two marijuana ballot measures. I will forcefully speak up to convince those that the voices of the people be heard.


Social Justice

What will you do to combat the violence against Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls?

I will work to see that additional state resources are devoted to missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. Leaders in Pierre have ignored this issue for far too long.

What will you do to combat the history of racism and oppression against the Indigenous people of South Dakota?

Education continues to be of paramount importance in imparting the entire history of racism and oppression of native and exploited people.

What would you do to make sure LGBTQ+ and BIPoC feel safe in South Dakota?

LGBTQ+ people in our state are entitled to the same rights and privileges as anyone else and any and all instances of bias against minority groups need to be called out for what it is.


Environment and Climate Change

Currently, access to exploratory drilling has been granted to mining groups above Pactola Reservoir. What is your plan to protect our natural resources in South
Dakota, such as fresh water, clean air, and the environment?

At the beginning of the current governor’s administration, Environment and Natural Resources Dept. was combined with Agriculture. These two departments need to be separate as they deal with important areas that do not always compliment each other. Preservation of our state’s natural resources is of paramount importance. Already countless instances exist of mining operations in the Black Hills being abandoned with the bill for cleanup left to the taxpayers of the state. Exploratory drilling and mining approvals should only be made after extensive investigations into potential harms to the environment have occurred.

Some South Dakota’s top industries are agriculture, forestry, mining and power, manufacturing and transportation. What steps will you take to ensure these
industries operate responsibly when it comes to environmental protections and preserving South Dakota’s pristine beauty and its natural resources?

Our state’s laws concerning environmental protection need to be reviewed to insure they are rigorous enough to address potential harmful impacts on land, air and water in the state

Where will protecting the environment and addressing climate change fall on your list of priorities once you take office?

Environmental protection safeguards are an important concern of mine and should be of anyone elected to the state legislature.


Mental Health

Our generation has lost far too many of our peers tragically to drugs, suicide or violence. How can we make young South Dakotans feel safe and like they have a future in our state?

For too long mental health care and suicide prevention measures have been either ignored or made to be secondary issues in the state. Additional state resources need to be committed on an annual basis to address these issues in our state.

How can we break the cycle of incarceration and poverty for those exposed to violence, drug/alcohol abuse, trauma at a young age?

South Dakota locks up on average twice as many of our citizens as does our sister state of North Dakota even though our populations are similar. We need to stop imprisoning those with addiction issues and help them battle their addictions away from county jails and state prisons. Violent offenders and drug dealers belong in prison, not addicts.

In 2020 suicide was the 10th leading cause of death in SD among ages 10 to 19. In 2019 South Dakota had the 8th highest suicide rate in the nation and our indigenous population is committing suicide at a rate that is 2.5 times higher than Caucasians. Simply put, many of our generation and specifically your indigenous neighbors are finding end-of-life more desirable than living. What can be done to combat these statistics?

SD has for far too long not put enough resources into mental health and suicide prevention. Beginning with increased counseling services in our schools and followed by county/regional mental health facilities, South Dakota can and must do more to address this most serious of issues.


Marijuana Legalization

Do you think that marijuana should be decriminalized?

Yes. Arresting people for marijuana use has overwhelmed are criminal justice system and has accomplished no real purpose.

Two years ago, The people of South Dakota voted to legalize both medicinal and recreational marijuana. What will you do to honor the voters’ wishes?

When the voters of our state have spoken through initiated and referred measures, legislators should work to see that such laws are put into effect.

What should happen to individuals who are currently incarcerated or on probation for marijuana related offenses if/when marijuana is decriminalized?

With so many issues, legislators need to be ready and willing to work together to come up with answers to such questions. Only the governor of the state has the ability to give clemency to someone convicted of crimes committed so this should not be a legislative function.


Gun Control

Do you support gun control legislation?

As a gun owner, I believe it is the responsibility of the individual to all they can to keep weapons safely locked and stored in one’s residence.

What can be done to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous and mentally unstable people while protecting the rights of responsible, law-abiding citizens?

SD needs effective waiting periods when purchasing a weapon. I also believe legislators should discuss red flag laws without the discussion immediately devolving to “banning guns” from citizens.



Currently our state has many residents who lack access to necessary healthcare services either because they cannot afford insurance, are underinsured or face social or cultural barriers. What steps can be made to correct this imbalance?

Medicaid expansion should have been done immediately after the passage in 2010 of the Affordable Care Act. Healthcare is a basic human right.

Many South Dakotans are one health emergency away from financial ruin. What can be done to prevent citizens from severe poverty simply for seeking necessary healthcare?

No one should be put into the position of financial ruin because of their health care issues. I believe it is possible to address this issue responsibly to find the best solutions. I also feel this issue can only be solved on a national level.


To Conclude

How can the voices of our generation be heard and honored in South Dakota?

People need to cast informed votes on election day and made to feel their votes matter in making SD an even better state in which to live.

How can we (the young people in South Dakota) help you to achieve these goals?

They can do this by registering to vote and then voting on election day.

Is there anything else you would like us to know about you as a candidate that we neglected to ask? What do you want to make sure our generation knows about you before they cast their vote?

I am a retired school administrator (43 years in SD schools) and feel I have an ability to listen to others to hear issues and concerns then working to insure that what may be possible to be done is being done.