Carl Perry: “Communication, cooperation and collaboration are critical to make healthcare better.”

Carl Perry is running in District 3 South Dakota House.

Why are you running for office?

to give back to my community

Women’s Reproductive Health

What is your opinion on the overturn of Roe v. Wade?


What will you do to ensure access to critical healthcare to save the lives of
women, despite recent restrictions on reproductive services?

if the woman is in danger then she has priority

In 2006 and 2010 the people voted to keep access to abortion safe and legal for all who need it in South Dakota, yet the elected officials in Pierre have allowed a
trigger law banning abortions. What is your plan to honor the voters?

follow the trigger law

Social Justice

What will you do to combat the violence against Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls?

I have and will support these efforts

What will you do to combat the history of racism and oppression against the Indigenous people of South Dakota?

work with tribes and with legislation

What would you do to make sure LGBTQ+ and BIPoC feel safe in South Dakota?

I think they are safe now

Environment and Climate Change

Currently, access to exploratory drilling has been granted to mining groups above Pactola Reservoir. What is your plan to protect our natural resources in South
Dakota, such as fresh water, clean air, and the environment?

Agriculture and natural resources will identify needs

Some South Dakota’s top industries are agriculture, forestry, mining and power, manufacturing and transportation. What steps will you take to ensure these
industries operate responsibly when it comes to environmental protections and preserving South Dakota’s pristine beauty and its natural resources?

my feeling is we need to be aware of the environment in all of our programs

Where will protecting the environment and addressing climate change fall on your list of priorities once you take office?

we address these issues with commerce and energy

Mental Health

Our generation has lost far too many of our peers tragically to drugs, suicide or violence. How can we make young South Dakotans feel safe and like they have a future in our state?

Extremely important. Broadband expansion makes some steps to provide tele mental health

How can we break the cycle of incarceration and poverty for those exposed to violence, drug/alcohol abuse, trauma at a young age?

Rehabilitation programs and careers. Do more for drug and addictions.

In 2020 suicide was the 10th leading cause of death in SD among ages 10 to 19. In 2019 South Dakota had the 8th highest suicide rate in the nation and our indigenous population is committing suicide at a rate that is 2.5 times higher than Caucasians. Simply put, many of our generation and specifically your indigenous neighbors are finding end-of-life more desirable than living. What can be done to combat these statistics?

the 988 is a another good step along with the 211 support as well as 911

Marijuana Legalization

Do you think that marijuana should be decriminalized?

to some degree on smaller amounts and infractions

Two years ago, The people of South Dakota voted to legalize both medicinal and recreational marijuana. What will you do to honor the voters’ wishes?

we did honor the medical marijuana – we worked on a summer study on marijuana on both recreational and medical in 2021 – I actually helped improve the medical marijuana by expanding physician certification to include Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant.

What should happen to individuals who are currently incarcerated or on probation for marijuana related offenses if/when marijuana is decriminalized?

we have a criminal system in place and we would rely on the judicial system and department of public safety.

Gun Control

Do you support gun control legislation?

I am in favor of 2nd amendment and am a member of NRA. yes within reason…

What can be done to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous and mentally unstable people while protecting the rights of responsible, law-abiding citizens?

have better control of those that have a criminal record or mental health issues


Currently our state has many residents who lack access to necessary healthcare services either because they cannot afford insurance, are underinsured or face social or cultural barriers. What steps can be made to correct this imbalance?

Hospitals and many agencies are working to help these situations. I am part of the SD House Health and Human Services.

Many South Dakotans are one health emergency away from financial ruin. What can be done to prevent citizens from severe poverty simply for seeking necessary healthcare?

This question has been discussed for many years. We need to keep working to make health care better.

To Conclude

How can the voices of our generation be heard and honored in South Dakota?

Through supportive legislators and through the SD Department of Health.

How can we (the young people in South Dakota) help you to achieve these goals?

Communication, cooperation and collaboration are critical to make healthcare better. We need the stakeholders to unite…insurance, hospitals, clinics, non profits, leaders, business and all to work together.

Is there anything else you would like us to know about you as a candidate that we neglected to ask? What do you want to make sure our generation knows about you before they cast their vote?

In 1983 I was the first non healthcare President of the SD HFMA (Healthcare Financial Management Association). I have won four of their achievement awards and I also was a participant in AGPAM (American Guild for Patient Account Managers).
+ I am available, accessible and accountable to many constituents.
+ We had four run in the republican primary and Brandei Schaefbauer and I won. The opponent in the general election dropped out so we are in for 23-24.